Running from the Law: Blogs I'm Loving


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blogs I'm Loving

I love finding new blogs, don’t you? The blogging community is such a great way to find people that share the same interests/views/hobbies, have crafty passions, give great advice, and inspire me in so many ways. And when I find something I love, I want to share it with you! So, I wanted to take a quick break from puppy-picture-palooza to bring you a list of some blogs that I'm crushing on right now. Some of these are newly discovered and some of these are my old standby favorites– I hope you’ll check them out. Feel free to tell them I sent you over, but most of all, just add them to your Google Reader so you can enjoy them too.

Fresh Art Photography - I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was going to be helping out Jodie and Kim of Fresh Art with their mini sessions, but haven't had a chance to post my behind the scenes look at what went on.  I can tell you right now that it was an awesome day!  Jodie and Kim are absolutely magical with kids (especially babies - they got a 2 week old newborn to fall asleep on a box in the middle of a loud, cold, noisy loft.  For serious.  I was in awe.) and they were so much fun to work with.  You can check out all the pictures from the mini session on thier blog (there might even be a bad picture of me on there).  The whole experience was great and everyone there was fantastic - I can't wait to blog about it.

From Portland to Peonies - Ok, so I kinda have a girl-crush on Liz. She’s pretty fabulous – you just have to see her wedding pictures and you’ll completely agree with me there. Ah-may-zing. I love her style, her photos, her clothes, her adorable dog. Love it all. (I hope that didn’t sound too stalkerish)

33 Shades of Green - I’m obsessed with this blog. Love her decorating ideas and her food posts are drool-worthy. Her own bio says, “When I'm not working, you'll find me sewing, knitting, cooking, baking, decorating, taking pictures, or pursuing some other crafty endeavor.” A girl after my own heart.

In My Own Style - Super crafty, awesome, doable home ideas. She’s a how-to guru, a DIY superwoman -- there’s nothing she can’t do. Great tutorials, great style, great ideas.

The Girl in the Red Shoes - Another shameless girl-crush. Love the red shoes. And the red hair. And the dog. Want them all. Her blog always has great photos, funny stories about her animals, amazing-looking food and she’s always impeccably dressed. Did I also mention that she’s crafty and has an adorable house?  And again, that hair!

Preppy Pink Lilly Lover - This blog is total gorgeous eye candy. Every single post is more beautiful than the next. Fashion, friends, photography, colors, fantasy, inspirational messages - just amazing imagery all around.  And Trish is a doll.

The Baby Days - My friend, sorority sister and law school classmate turned stay-at-home mommy extraordinaire to two hilarious kids, Amy has really created an adorable blog. She just recently picked up a camera and all of a sudden, she’s turned into a fabulous photographer - she's got a great eye for it. She really has a way with just a few simple words and her posts always make me smile.

Jinky Art - Speaking of amazing photography, Jinky Art Photography (Australia) is absolutely GORGEOUS! The pictures are subtle and beautiful and authentic. The settings, the colors, the warmth, the love. The photos of the kids in their rooms and the family all in bed…swoon. I adore every single picture and I can’t get enough. I wish they posted 10 times a day!

The Sweetest Occasion - "Celebrations + Design" - I love this blog.  Gorgeous parties, weddings, food, crafts, ideas, showers, etc.  Every post is perfection.  I think the featured weddings are my favorite.  Is it weird that I'm still obsessed with weddings nearly 2 years after my own?  I can't get enough.  I'm a wedding junkie.

I Used To Vacation - Katie is an English teacher/photographer, who is married to one of my law school buddies.  We haven't technically, officially, actually, really "met" in real life yet, but we're basically old pals by now.  She's funny, adorable and has excellent taste in food and music.  She even has a music blog, which intimidates the crap out of me because I have the worst taste in music ever (seriously, I actually like Ke$ha, it's that bad).  She's also super talented with her camera and just opened her own Etsy shop. 

Skinny Taste (by Gina) - I know you all probably already know and love this blog, but I can't get enough of it.  Every recipe is amazing.  It is so hard to find delicious food that is also HEALTHY (oh, the horror), but Gina has it mastered.  I love this blog so much, I could marry it.

How Sweet It Is - And because I couldn't just leave you with a healthy cooking blog, I need to balance it out with a "not quite so healthy but super fabulous" food blog from a self-proclaimed vegetable hater.  This blog is amazing.  I just saw that Jessica posted a recipe for Root Beer Float cupakes - I may have drooled all over my keyboard just scrolling through that post.

Ok, that should be enough to entertain you for hours!  Hope you enjoy them all as much as I do!


  1. I'm so flattered! You are too sweet! Thanks so much for including me in this awesome roundup :) Have a great day!!!

  2. I'm in love with Skinny Taste too, I've pinned all sorts of her recipes onto my food board on Pinterest so I'll remember to cook them!

    Off to check out the rest of these. =)

  3. LOVE finding new blogs to read! Thanks for the tips!

  4. I love learning about new blogs!!! :D

  5. Thank you for the inclusion, Sara. So sweet. Let's get together with Alice soon and drink margs. :)

  6. Cool! I love finding new blogs too!

  7. I get so excited when I find new blogs - thanks for sharing!

  8. Thanks for sharing - I needed some new blogs in my reader. :)

  9. You made my day, Sara--you are too sweet!! Yours is definitely a favorite of mine! :-)

  10. Thank you SOO MUCH for the sweet mention Sara! I am so flattered! Hugs and xx to you and Sage :) Happy weekend beautiful!

  11. WOW! Thanks Sara! We couldn't have done that day without your help!!! It was SUCH a huge day in so many ways! Thanks again for everything!

  12. Thank you SO much for all the suggestions! My reader is now exploding. :)

  13. You have just made my day. I have been away and was doing some back end blogging stuff and saw that you linked to me so I came over. I truly was having a downer of a morning and then read what you said about me and my blog. I can not THANK YOU enough!!! XO
    I too love finding new blogs and am going to go through your list. I haven't been to any of them, except 33 Shades of Green which I adore.

    Thanks again for the nice feature. I hope you have a great weekend.
    My best- Diane
