"Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them?"
I'm pretty excited about today's topic because this is something I've been wanting to say for a while now. I have been truly blessed with an amazing friend named Ally. She is one of the kindest, most generous, loving, thoughtful, courageous, funny, smart, beautiful, adventurous people I've had the pleasure to know. I am so lucky to have her in my life.
If you read Ally's blog you might know some things about her: she loves musicals and Hugh Jackman, London and Princess Kate, yoga and dance, running and races, pretty dresses and the color pink, her friends and family. But what you might not realize until you meet her and spend some time with her is that she has an old soul, she makes friends everywhere she goes, she has a weak spot for babies and dogs, she believes in wishes and fairy tales come true, she has the loudest, most wonderful laugh that can fill an entire room, she wears her heart on her pretty pink ruffled sleeve, she can drink wine out of a Twizzler straw like a boss, she has a Texas twang with a laid-back California attitude, she's generous to the point of giving you the Burberry coat off her own back to make sure you're warm. And this is just the tip of the iceberg as to why I love her.
This past year she's gone through some stuff...serious stuff that's broken her heart and changed her life. Stuff that has tested her faith and her friendships. And, in my opinion, she's handled it all with more grace, patience and humility than most people I know ever could have done. She's come out on the other side with a smile and a renewed sense of purpose. She's finding herself. She's so brave. She is so strong.
And despite whatever she might be personally going through, she's always there when needed, to take a phone call or answer a text, to send a photo of a handsome freckled stud, just to listen or to provide some encouragement and support. She's shared her heart and her home with me and my child. She loves with every fiber of her being. She's a true friend in every sense of the word.
So this, my dear Ally, is my public profession of love and devotion to you. Thank you for being my friend.

I just found her blog a week or two ago - she's adorable, such a funny and sweet person it seems! How did you two meet?
ReplyDeleteSo, I am ugly crying here at work.
ReplyDeleteLiteral snot running down my face (very Eddie in Empty Chairs at Empty Tables-esque).
You, YOU my sweet friend are the most amazing thing on earth and I can't believe the paths we've both been on over the course of our friendship. I can't believe how far we've come and how much we still have in front of us! (me eventually getting married! You raising a kid! Broadway Birthday Extravaganza TAKE 2! European travels!--it will happen!)
Watching you become a mother has been one of the greatest joys in my life, and I am spoiled to call Mac my nephew. What you and Ryan did for me that weekend in September will stay with me always, you'll never know how much I needed those few days. Thank you for going on grand adventures with me, for being my rock, my Hugh (Jackman and Panaro) lover, my cheerleader, my sounding board, my shopping enabler and my very best friend. I don't know where I'd be without you, and I pray I never have to find out.
Every last word, crazy true. Anyone who knows her is blessed by her huge heart - she's incredible!!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post and so true! Ally is amazing and you're an awesome friend to her. I know I only see it from the outside but you two are so wonderful, I can only imagine how awesome you are when you're together!! :D
ReplyDeleteAwww such a sweet post! I want to be friends with BOTH of you lovelies!