Thank you all for the sweet comments on my
Journey to Parenthood guest post. That was a hard post to write, but all the comments and follow-up emails/texts/calls I received were definitely worth it. I had so many people (even close friends) say that they had no idea the extent of what we went through to get Mac, which makes me glad I finally had a chance to get it all out there and tell my story. I think it's also relevant right now, as we get ready to start all the treatments again. And if I'm being 100% honest, I'm pretty freaked out about next couple months and what will happen, so I could really use some support and understanding. My biggest fear used to be fear of not being able to get pregnant. Now that fear has been replaced by the fear of losing the baby again, which is so much worse than never getting pregnant to begin with. The meds I'm taking (just to get me ready for fertility drugs in a few months) are also being much harder on my body this time around: horrible headaches, nausea, upset stomach, moodiness and I can't drink. DID YOU HEAR THAT? No booze! It's awful. So if you see me out and drinking
water, please don't ask me if I'm pregnant. I'm not...I'm just fat and moody and may punch you in the face (or more likely, just start bawling).

Mac is a firecracker right now! I am so in love with this stage. He is so wonderfully funny and goofy and getting more and more independent by the day. He loves slides at the park, spinning in circles until he's dizzy and chasing Sage around the house and hugging her. He has about 35 words now (I've been writing them all down), my favorites of which are MAMA, Go Cardinals, toot (as he points to his butt and laughs), dark, hot(?), fish and nose (as he sticks his finger up his nose). He loves to make people laugh and has turned into quite a little clown. He's still a lover though and I try to get in as many snuggles a day as I possibly can. He's an eating machine and could live exclusively on cookies and pasta, if I'd let him. He wants to help with everything, from watering the plants to feeding the dogs to cooking dinner. It's so sweet (and SO messy).

Speaking of firecracker, did you see my last
Instagram post? I'm a redhead! Well, strawberry blonde. I love it. My husband
really loves it. Mac could care less. It's fun and different and perfect for fall. Actually, the only thing I don't love about it is that Mac and I no longer look alike. I loved when strangers made comments about us both being blondes and how much we looked alike, so I'm a little sad that we won't be getting those comments any more. Oh well, it's temporary and I'm sure I'll go back to blonde in a few months.

Remember when I mentioned that we set up our fish tank and then nearly all the fish died? Well, the very next day Ryan was watching the fish and asked me when I added all the little ones. I was confused (because I hadn't added any new fish), until I saw a couple teeny tiny little baby fish swimming around the bottom of the tank. We had babies! The mollies I bought must have laid a few eggs before dying, giving us "home-grown native-to-the-tank babies"! At first I saw three. A few days later we were up to eight. Then thirteen. Then eighteen! Eighteen baby fish! They were so tiny, I was terrified that they'd get sucked up into the filter or eaten by the three surviving adult fish. But no, they were healthy and strong and made it. Until a few days ago when I cleaned the tank and accidentally sucked a few of them up in the vacuum and dumped them down the bathtub drain. Oh, the horror! I didn't notice until it was too late. You should have seen me scrambling to grab them and save them, as they are sliding down the bathtub in a sea of dirty tank water. I nearly fell in. I managed to save one. We still have probably 15 babies, but I'm in mourning for the 4-5 little ones that got away. (Also, if I used up all my good baby-making mojo on
fish babies I am going to be so pissed!)

Go Cardinals! Go Mizzou! Go Blues! It's a great time to be a sports fan in St. Louis!
1. Your post on everything you went through to have Mac was awesome, very brave of you to post.
ReplyDelete2. Love that he says toot!
3. You should post the photo here on the blog - I'd love to see the new hair, but don't have Instagram!
4. FYI, Mollies give birth to live babies, not eggs. But yeah to more fish!
Hmmm...maybe they aren't mollies? I have no clue! :)
DeleteI love this stage, too!!! What personalities that are showing! I think I would wish this age forever!! Have a great weekend!! xo
ReplyDelete35 words?! That's super impressive! GO MAC! Honestly that must be so helpful for him to communicate what he needs/wants! Toddlers spinning - just one of my favorite things! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite stage (I think I say that with each stage though... :)! Mac needs to teach Marcus "toot." Marcus just rips wind and then laughs. It'd be even MORE funny if he ripped wind and then said "toot." I'd die.
ReplyDeleteSending you all sorts of happy thoughts/hugs/prayers during the coming months.
I love this age, too! I seriously laugh SO MUCH each day that my cheeks usually hurt. Of course, the tantrums are less than stellar, but the good {usually} outweighs the bad most days ;)
ReplyDeletePraying and sending happy thoughts your way as you begin this journey again!
Just over here laughing at the thought of you trying to save those baby fishies from going down the drain! ;) LOL love it! Wishing you guys good luck on your journey to becoming a mommy again. And GO CARDS! :)
ReplyDeletePraying for you during this journey to becoming a mommy again. Praying all goes well and it happens soon for you.
ReplyDeleteMac is so darn cute and getting so big. We should really get together for a play date sometime!
Have a great weekend! Go Cards!
I'm not ok with you not being allowed to drink, this eliminates us being able to drunk whine together! But, yay for baby making drugs? Ugh, sorry babe. Dying that Mac says "toot", dying at your gorgeous hair. Dying at how much I miss you! xoxox
ReplyDeleteMy team was eliminated in the first round. I hate the Dodgers, GO CARDS!!! Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely keeping y'all in my prayers. And love the hair!:)
ReplyDeleteI agree, this stage the babes are in is so much fun. And also a little trying on my parenting skills. He started pinching this week. How did he learn that??? But the joy the rest brings outweighs the hard by far!
I feel like all those unexpected fish babies are a good omen! Thinking of you!
ReplyDeleteYour son is so cute! I can't wait until my son is old enough to start talking to me (I think....). Ha!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely praying for all of you & the journey you are embarking on. :) And, Mac. Oh speechless! He's adorable! Where did you get his hat from? Or did someone make it?
ReplyDeleteTotally going to follow you on instagram. I can't wait to see the hair!!
ReplyDeleteYour hair looks great! Will be pulling for Mizzou the rest of the season! xoxo - Natalie
ReplyDeleteHe is absolutely precious! And I love your new hair!
ReplyDeleteWe've of course taught Elyse to say Go Cardinals as well and it's the cutest thing! Just wait girl, his vocabulary is going to EXPLODE in the next few months!
Can you eat cookies?? Bc that's what I did when stressed out while I was pregnant and couldn't drink!! I would seriously take down a box in 2 days
ReplyDeleteGood job on the 35 words Mac!!! #babygenius
I'm dying over your fish story!!! I would have been mortified and this is exactly the reason I'm hesitant to get the babe any fish, haha. She loves fish though so I probably will. Good luck to you with all your treatments!!