Running from the Law: The Sleep Chronicles


Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Sleep Chronicles

Hi y'all!  Today I'm honored to be guest posting over at Being Mrs. Beer, as part of her Sleep Chronicles series.  If you remember, Mac was a TERRIBLE sleeper until not that long ago (like yesterday).  We have been struggling with sleep for over a year and it's...well, fucking exhausting!  As we were trying desperately to figure out what we should do to get him to sleep better, I loved hearing about what other mamas were doing and how their babies were handling it.  Even if our situations were completely different, I always felt like I learned something and might store away a tip or two for future issues/children.  I remember emailing one of my favorite bloggers, Julia, repeatedly when Mac and her daughter CeCe were going through similar sleep regressions around 10 months.  It is hard!  Unfortunately, every child is different and there's no one way to fix a kid's sleep issues (if only it were that easy).  I think the most important thing you can do is to try to understand your child and come up with a method that you, as a parent, are comfortable with.  Yes, the good ole "trust your instincts" advice - I'm sure you've never heard that before.   
Anyway, other than that shining gem of wisdom, I don't really have any advice to pass on -- I'm far from an expert in this whole parenting gig, in case you haven't noticed -- I'm just telling our story.  And it's a good one (with a happy ending-ish) and will make you truly appreciate every second of sleep your child is currently giving you.  I hope you'll check it out - maybe leave a comment telling Jess what a great series this is and how beneficial it is for new mamas to hear other sleep struggles and suggestions.  

And just because I'm's your baby sleeping these days?  
Do you have one of those mythological babies that sleep through the night at 2 months old?
Do you have a toddler that's never slept through the night once?  


  1. I always hate to talk to other moms about sleeping because Cam has been a great sleeper...we've had our regressions, growing pains and illnesses, but we've been pretty lucky with his night time sleep. His naps, however, are a completely different story. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out a nap schedule for him! A nap past an hour is like heaven to us!! Haha! Cam's always loved the pacifier since he was born, which is why I think he's slept so well. Now, our problem is getting that darn thing away from him!!

  2. Left you some love over on Jess's site! Great sharing your struggles and man i'm glad you're getting sleep now! :) After reading some of the other stories I was reminded that I'm one of the lucky ones when it comes to Callie's sleep habits. She hasn't woken at night and actually needed me since she was 8mo old and prior to that she was only up once a night. She cries out on occasion when teething and that wakes me but she puts herself back to sleep.

  3. Can't wait to check out the article! I was one of those lucky bitches who had an excellent sleeper from pretty much the beginning. I am convinced it's because I had the chunkiest baby alive and she was full and sleepy all of the time. The only hiccup we really ever had was when she got too chunkster for her sleep sacks and she was breaking out of that bia and we had to do a little sleep training, but even that only lasted for a night or two. Everyone has been telling me that #2 is going to be terrible since I got so lucky with the first one. I hope that's not the case, but not too much longer until we find out I guess!

  4. Kids sleep through the night? WHAT?! Can someone please tell Colton this, because, well....him and Mac sound eerily alike. The ONLY way he will sleep through the night is if it's in my bed...kicking me in gut, the chest, face, everywhere. I like him sleeping in my bed......but.....not all the time. When he's in his crib he wakes up whimpering and crying every 4 or so hours. Give me a break, man.

  5. Sadie luckily wasn't too bad. Unless something is wrong, she is a pretty good sleeper. (PLEASE SLEEP GODS DON'T JINX ME!!!!!!!!) She is usually in bed now by 8pm, and will sleep until anywhere from 5am (UGH) until 7am or so. If she gets up at 5 we just bring her in bed with us. The only frustrating part is that she NEEDS to sleep with her bobo (pacifier) so if she loses it at night and can't find it, she starts crying and doesn't always want to settle back right away.

  6. I can honestly say I'm not sure how we got lucky enough to have a unicorn of a sleeper (unicorns are fully our fav mythological creature). We sleep trained at 4 months and never looked back. But I think lex is just programmed to be a good sleeper. I'm 100% sure number two will test our patience in the sleep department- because that's totally how it works ;)

  7. I can relate to you for sure! I was not one of the lucky ones. I don't miss those days lol. We sleep trained at 6 months and things got better. He still occasionally wakes up, but he is so smart now. If I ask him before bed if he is going to sleep through the night he normally answers yes, and he does! The getting to bed part now is a struggle. I made the mistake when he wasn't feeling well or we were out of town to have him watch some TV before bed and now he insists on watching a show in our bed. He will get tired and say bed bed and if I trick him to go up earlier he can be in bed by 8:30... It's not perfect, but wayyyyyy better than it was.

  8. Great post! Glad to hear that Mac is sleeping better.

  9. I just posted on how terrible M has been sleeping lately. It's KILLING me. He was so good for so long. Now it's one big shit show every night… Usually right around 2AM. Gahhh.

  10. I've used Moms on Call (specifically working with Megan) and they are amazing. Both of my boys sleep 12-1: hours at night, take great naps and our bedtime routine is so quick. My second had colic and never slept more than 2.5 hours until we started sleep training with them at 10 weeks even though he was a great weight. I know their system and schedules work!!

  11. We are FINALLY sleeping through the night. Only took 13 months :) And damn, it feels good. Now if I could just turn Bravo off, I'd get some sleep too.

  12. This was such a great post...and while Elyse seemingly slept better than Mac, we still had those weeks and months that made me think it was never going to end. I'm so glad they are both sleeping well...for now. I hate to ever even talk about her sleeping for fear of a sleep regression rearing it's uglyhead!

  13. My son is a pretty good sleeper at 5 months he goes to bed around 7:30pm and gets up around 7am with one 4am wake up to eat BUT he still sleeps in the Rock n Play sleeper!!! It's in his room next to his crib, every time he's in his crib we get no sleep at all so we end up putting him back in the rock n play. He's going to be mobile soon and we're so screwed we have no idea what we're going to do!! I've even tried re-creating the rock n play in his crib but it didn't quite work. I'm afraid we're just going to have to go cold turkey soon and I'm terrified!!

  14. D slept great starting around 10 weeks. Then around 6 months, something happened and his sleep went to crap. He's finally sleeping better, but still ends up in our bed for a couple of hours a few times a week.
