ONE. Operation "Mac Turns Three" was a big success. There were no Pinterest-perfect parties, themed meals or elaborate decorations. We kept everything really low-key this year and just focused instead on making sure Mac felt very loved and very special on his big day. I got to start all kinds of fun birthday traditions with him this year - he woke up to a room filled with balloons, got to wear a special birthday shirt, had new jammies and birthday books for bedtime, made a special birthday plate and I painted "Happy Birthday" on the front door, so the whole neighborhood knew to wish him a happy birthday. We kept the celebration small and intimate and just had our nanny and his grandparents over for pizza and cookie cake. They asked me at the store what I wanted the cake to say, so I just had them fill the entire thing with icing (since that's the only part he'll eat anyway) and he absolutely loved it! He is so my kid. His nanny gave him a new big boy bike and helmet, which he is obsessed with. He asked to go to the Cardinals game with his friend Emma, so we did that last weekend. Despite a rain delay and a light mist through the game, the kids did great and everyone had so much fun! It was Mim's first Cardinals game and a picture of the two of us even made the Jumbotron! I think overall it was a really great birthday!
TWO. I received the book The Fringe Hours as part of my second Savvy Sassy Moms Product Scout Box and am so excited to read it! Fellow Scout Lindsey, of The Nashville Mom, has even organized a virtual book club for anyone that wants to read along with us (it hasn't started yet, so you've still got time!). The author of the book is a member of the book club and will be chiming in here and there with comments, guidance, advice and answering questions! How cool is that? And speaking of being a Scout, if YOU want the chance to become a Product Scout, Savvy Sassy Moms is looking for a few more mama bloggers to join the group! Amazing things are coming and they're in need of more moms that love to try new products and have a social media presence. You can apply here.
(image by me for Foxfire Photography)
THREE. I mentioned this on Instagram last night, but I wanted to throw it out here too...a few weekends ago I had the privilege of being the second shooter/photographer at a gorgeous wedding back in my hometown. One of my best friends from high school is a "real" photographer and was hired to shoot this wedding - she asked me if I'd be interested in helping her out for the day, even though I fully disclosed that I have no idea what I'm doing. She said she trusted my eye and took a chance on me. We ended up having so much fun! I loved having the opportunity to be creative, take photos all day and play around with all her fancy gear, equipment and lenses. I thought I might just end up helping with staging, organization and being her gopher for the day, but she really let me play photographer as well and I think I ended up with some good stuff for her! And while I had a blast, I couldn't get over just how EXHAUSTING it is running around all day and having to be nice to everyone! Maybe I'm just too much of a lazy bitchy person for that! :) Makes me appreciate my desk job where I don't have to interact with people unless absolutely necessary. She posted a sneak peek of some of the photos last night HERE, if you want to check them out. I can't wait to see the rest of them.
(image by Emma Constance Photography)
FOUR. Mim got baptized a few weekends ago. I just keep looking at the photos and dying over how adorable she is and how big she's getting (ten months today, by the way). She's cruising with ease and taking steps with a walker. I turned my back for 2 seconds the other day and she'd crawled half way up the basement stairs! I didn't even know she knew how to climb stairs! I'm NOT READY for this.
FIVE. Things may be a little slow here on the blog next week. Hint: rhymes with Slorida. You can follow me on Instagram to get all the updates on our trip and see photos of Mim in her cutie-patootie swimsuits and her first time at the beach! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend! Mwah!