Running from the Law: Hiking with Kids at Powder Valley


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hiking with Kids at Powder Valley

Last Saturday we had a couple hours to kill in the morning so we packed up the kids and headed over to a local conservation area for a hike. Powder Valley Conservation Area and Nature Center has quickly become a favorite spot of ours. We only checked this place out a few weeks ago and couldn't get over how cool the nature center was for kids, how pretty the trails were and how close to our house this place is (we've since been back four times). The kids love climbing on the big toad up front, followed by checking out the snapping turtles, club house, fish and play areas inside. Once we've made our rounds through the nature center, we head outside and hit one of the trails. There are three separate trail loops through the park, all of which are different distances and paved, making it easy for little unsteady feet. The trails are really pretty and wind through the woods, up and down hills and have lots of wooden bridges that cross over creeks.
Mac always picks up a map (and multiple pencils) in the nature center and a walking stick along the trail and he leads the way, full-speed ahead. He's not the best navigator and he's pretty dangerous with the giant stick, so it's a constant balance between running to stay close to him and keeping far enough away not to get whacked. Mim does pretty well about walking next to us for a while, but then she usually insists on being held the rest of the time on Ryan's shoulders. She'll eventually just get to a point where she sits down on the trail and huffs and puffs until we pick her up. She's even been known to lay down and pretend to go to sleep. The differences in their little personalities become so evident while we're out hiking - Mac doesn't stop moving, must be in the lead, has to have his hands into and on everything, while Mim takes her sweet time, meanders around and has to practically be dragged down the trail to get her moving. They are so different and so funny.
Powder Valley is a great place to hike with little kids. As I mentioned, the trails are all paved, there are numerous benches along the way where you can stop and take a water/snack break. None of the loops are very long, so depending on how the kids handle the first one, we can then decide if we want to attempt another. And the hikes are really pretty this time of year and very active (although not crowded). The kids love looking out for birds, mushrooms, lizards, frogs, turtles and bugs. They also love stopping at the creek and throwing rocks and looking for minnows and tadpoles. Ryan and I have so much fun watching them explore, ask questions and discover new things. Adventuring with kids is a blast. 
Anyone else love to hike with their kids? 


  1. We love it! And there are so many places around us that we haven't explored yet.

  2. Omg how amazing that this is so close to you! We will have to remember this for a stl trip this summer. I know my kids would love it!

  3. Have you heard of the 30/30 hikes... I plan on doing this with the kids. Sounds like fun.

  4. We have been lovin' family hikes. Now that C is bigger, they are much more enjoyable.

  5. What a great little adventure day!!

  6. Oh what fun! This place looks awesome. You got some really great photos. If there is one thing my area lacks it's places like this. Our pastor found a really neat preserve this past weekend. Hiking, mini-rapids, crystal clear water, etc. A bunch of people from our church are planning on going this Saturday. I pray the rain holds off so that we are able to. I'm ready to get some outdoor adventures in!

  7. PS - I love the picture of Mim and her daddy taking a selfie. How great is her smile!?

  8. Such a cool nature center! You are so lucky to live close to something like that!

  9. What a fun adventure! Such gorgeous pictures!

  10. Gosh, I haven't been there in YEARS! I'll put it on my list of places to go this summer with Miss H...when she stops running away from me!

  11. Wow girl! That looks absolutely amazing!! We take nightly walks and love that. I'm excited for Emmy to get a little bigger so we can do hikes.

  12. Looks like this conservation area has a little bit of everything. And my how green it already is there! So beautiful!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  13. What an absolutely awesome place to have so close to you!
    i could totally see Mac working for the DNR someday!
    We love to go hiking with the kids. I wish we had a place with paved trails. That'd safe us a few stumbles and falls!

  14. That looks like a place I'd love. I love to hike and walk in nature. My kids like it some of the time!

  15. What a fun and beautiful place to spend the day! Not too far from us, there's a waterfall you can hike to. I've been wanting to take Mila, but I was worried that she was too young. This post definitely proves that she's not and now I want to take her ASAP. You got so many amazing photos - I especially love the one of both kids on the bench at the end!

  16. What a beautiful walk. I love how Mac is such a lil man with his map! So cute. :)

  17. Gosh, these are some gorgeous pics! I love Mac's walking stick!!

  18. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time! I'm jealous since our recent hike didn't go so smoothly. ;-)

  19. Such a cool place! We need to get some hiking in ASAP! And loving the new # on Instagram!

  20. I am obsessed with all your hiking photos! I'm also jealous that you have so many of these amazing places near enough for day trips! I'm all for paved trails! I really should start doing more of this before it gets too hot this summer!

  21. Wow, what a neat spot! I was sold on the snapping turtles!!!

  22. That looks like such a cool area! I am very much looking forward to hiking and camping with the kids when they're a little older.

  23. I love the mental image of Mac blazing the trail, stick in hand while you guys drag Mim along. Maybe Mim is just avoiding the stick as well though? ;) Sounds like a great area. Anywhere stroller friendly gets two thumbs up from me.
